Dear Yuri,

As we explained yesterday in our email to you, there has indeed been a misunderstanding which we have clarified internally.

It is not a problem if the email address for the SSO account is a role account. However, we do need a person's name associated with the SSO account.

Some examples:

SSO: John Doe
email address:
This is acceptable

SSO: John Doe
email address:
This is acceptable

SSO: IT department
email address:
This is not acceptable

The RIPE NCC communicates with individuals and we need to understand who is submitting the requests to us.
We have always required the name of an individual in our communications with LIRsBefore SSO Accounts were introduced,  the RIPE NCC had always asked LIR contacts to be registered in the LIR Portal with their personal name.
This requirement is there for security reasons. For example, in case of a disputed transfer it is crucial to know who submitted the request. 

I hope this clarifies?

Best Regards,

Ingrid Wijte

On 07/11/2017 14:26, Staff wrote:
Dear all!

I would like to bring one new issue with RIPE NCC to public.

This situation mostly rely on new members and new LIRs. RIPE NCC started
to censor email names and filter them as much as they want. And that
also depends from RIPE NCC staff that take a ticket.

This makes delays in ticket processing because we spend about 1-2 weeks
already for new company LIRs because RIPE NCC staff refuse to continue
until they see the email name they like and we have to create email by
email so they like it

I found this completely inconvenient, useful and unfriendly.
This situation should be changed. Last months RIPE NCC changed a lot of
things in the usual work and become harder to do simplest things with
RIPE NCC staff.

Currently RIPE stopped to accept my personal email that I use for almost
10 years. This email contains from one symbol in it's name.

Please see some examples

In order for our Registration Department to be able to process resources
requests, LIRs must first have a personal SSO account. Generic role SSO
accounts such as etc. cannot be accepted. We require a
personal SSO account such as: for example.

The email provided cannot be accepted.
Nicole Castaibert (RIPE NCC Support)

All nicknames, short names, names of the company in email also not
accepted by RIPE NCC anymore. So we have to create new emails and use
new emails with some name in it.

But the main useless of all of that - that new LIR can change
registration account email after LIR registration done.
So this all they require is useless.

That takes my time, time of my staff, time of RIPE NCC staff that get
paid from LIR members fees. I found that RIPE NCC work does not comply
with the proper quality standards and not members oriented.