​There is huge difference between an 'International Organisation' and a local incorporated entity (such as RIPE, ARIN etc). The fact that you have a conversation with the Dutch government about sanctions does not make you an IO. And having a conversation with the Dutch government is very easy, so absolutely nothing to be impressed by.

The list of IO's The Netherlands recognises: https://www.government.nl/topics/international-organisations/multilateral-forums ​(RIPE is missing as it is 'just' an Association) 

https://uia.org/archive/types-organization/cc​​ gives a very detailed explainer about IO's. (The NGO part is of relevance here)

So writing a letter, asking Mauritius to view AFRINIC as an IO while non of the other RIR's are IO's, is a bit 'strange' and most likely not at all helpful. 

IDGARA | Alex de Joode | alex@idgara.nl | +31651108221

On Tue, 19-07-2022 19h 21min, Cynthia Revström via members-discuss <members-discuss@ripe.net> wrote:

On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 4:38 PM Elvis Daniel Velea <elvis@v4escrow.net> wrote:
> [...]
> Question for CK and HPH: Is there such a thing as an ‘International Organization’ in the Dutch Law? Has the RIPE NCC requested such status for itself before asking it for another RIR?

I do want to point out that as HPH mentioned, the RIPE NCC has talked
with the dutch government with regards to sanctions which I would
probably consider pretty similar.
Also I understand this as a request that possibly originated with
AFRINIC although it is a bit unclear and a clarification on this could
be helpful.

I do not want to really get too involved in this debate though I do
want to make it clear that I don't really see this as necessarily as
too different from what the RIPE NCC has requested from the Dutch
government, however I don't know much about Mauritius Law or what
classification as an international organization could imply.


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