Hi Franziska

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Due to the migration to a new platform, there have been some changes with the way we generate the RSS/Atom feeds. 

We’re still working on the integration of news and the related feeds on the site, and while we haven’t yet managed to provide individual feeds for all news topics we have made member updates available again as a priority.

The RSS Feeds page <https://www.ripe.net/publications/news/feeds/> has been updated to reflect this, along with the HTML header.

Kind regards,
Phillip Oldham (he/him) <poldham@ripe.net>
Manager, Web Services
Stationsplein 11, 1012 AB Amsterdam

On 21 Jan 2024, at 12:10, Franziska Kunsmann via members-discuss <members-discuss@ripe.net> wrote:


On Fri, 19 Jan 2024 13:16:46 +0100, Phillip Oldham <poldham@ripe.net>
If you visit www.ripe.net today, you might notice some changes. For
the past few months, we’ve been working on redesigning ripe.net, and
we released the new version yesterday at approximately 18:00 UTC+1.

I noticed just now that the Atom feed for members updates does no
longer work:

It is also not listed on
<https://www.ripe.net/publications/news/feeds/>, nor does
<https://www.ripe.net/publications/member-update/> list the feeds:

   <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RIPE NCC
   News Feed" href="/news.xml" /> <link rel="alternate"
   type="application/rss+xml" title="RIPE NCC Events Feed"
   href="/events.xml" /> <link rel="alternate"
   type="application/rss+xml" title="Hackatons Feed"
   href="/hackatons.xml" /> <link rel="alternate"
   type="application/rss+xml" title="NOG Events Feed"
   href="/nog_events.xml" />

Did the feed get discontinued? Would be sad to hear, because we used
that to inform all team members about updates without them needing
access to the portal (or checking the website periodically).

If the feed did not get discontinued, can someone please point me to
the new URL for the feed?


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