Hi Rob, that was my initial understanding of the document. As far as I understood, the new rules are meant not to have any sponsoring LIR any more, but to have all the users of any resource directly refer to the RIPE. I don't understand the purpose of this policy, but that's it. If I am wrong, I would like to receive a clarification from the RIPE. Il 02/08/2011 12.05, Rob Evans ha scritto:
Paolo, Patrick,
I may be missing something here from nothing more than a quick scan of the document, but where does it say that all PI users must be members of the RIPE NCC?
It mentions Direct Assignment Users, but aren't those are the chaps that already have a direct contract with the NCC under 2007-01? What prohibits the current setup of a "sponsoring LIR?"
Best, Rob
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