On 11/10/2011 10:18, Geert Hauwaerts wrote:
Re: [members-discuss] budget 2012

I strongly agree with the motions raised about maintaining a responsible budget; and perhaps in light of recent developments, we should take a moment and evaluate some of the projects the RIPE NCC has taken on itself.

This is why we circulate the activity plan well in advance of setting the budget and the charging scheme. We typically get no response to the activity plan at all.

I do take on board Kurtis' comments about making the activity plan more transparent with regards to costs of individual activities and we will ask the RIPE NCC to make this clearer.


Additionally, and without any disrespect, if any of the Board Members feel they do not have adequate time to fulfill their duties; they might wish to vacate their seat in favor of somebody who does.


RIPE NCC board/RIPE WG activities take up roughly 2 days per *week* of my time. I'm lucky to have an employer that is happy with this. However, as I made clear, this discussion blew up at the time of the month when I happen to have to spend a couple of days full time on the day job. Apologies for this.
