Have I missed something quite fundimental, but why can't we just keep the current charging model, it seems to work reasonably well and change for change's sake is never a good idea. Also with the level of automation that currently exists, and the good working knowledge that most people have of the systems, we could probably considerably reduced the RIPE's staffing levels and save a great deal of money. In times of belt tightening, even "Not for Profit" organisations like the RIPE must make the same cut backs as those that exist to make a profit. Best regards, Simon Simon Talbot Chief Engineer Net Solutions Europe T: 020 3161 6001 F: 020 3161 6011 www.nse.co.uk The information contained in this e-mail and any attachments are private and confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended for the named addressee(s) only. If you are not the intended recipient(s), you must not read, copy or use the information contained in any way. If you receive this email or any attachments in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail and destroy any copy you have of it. We accept no responsibility for any loss or damages whatsoever arising in any way from receipt or use of this e-mail or any attachments. This e-mail is not intended to create legally binding commitments on our behalf, nor do its comments reflect our corporate views or policies. Net Solutions Europe Ltd Registered Office: Baxter House, 48 Church Road, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 8RR Registered in England No. 03203624.