Hi All ! -- The Problem: It has been said more AND MORE than once, that paying for categories with falling price for 1 IP will only worsen the situation. -- Because: There will be NO point in releasing unused addresses by holders. But now it will be more tragedic! After current model of categories starting, big holders will continue nothing to do and simply wait, and will sell IP in x1000 price that they pay per year for it. And they will talking everyone: "Look we are pay more! We are GOOD BOYS!". And time to change charging scheme to close deficite or move to IPv(X) will never come. -- My decision IPV4 problem: If we want categories - Ok! Let's do 5-10 categories, but using the formula P*N ^ K, where K>1 (for exapmle = 1.01 ). Fee = ( (P - Base price for 1 IP) multiplying (N - Max IP count by holder in category) ) in power K ), where K>1. So then, the more addresses you have, the more you pay for 1 IP address! -- Results: This we will really see a start to transition to a new level in the problem that has happen in IPv4! An it will be Revolution! -- Litle more Someone will tell me again: that then we will be heavily dependent on individual players! OK! Then let's do a 2-part fee. First part: 50-70% (= 95% of current NCC budget) - is equal for everyone. Second part: according to the above formula. So if it will work we will have 150% of current year budget, but most of us will pay less!!! It is good! If the big players will leave, we will somehow survive and divide these addresses among those who really need them! If they stay we will have a big profit budget next year, and do lower first part to 50% of real budget and can make more reserves for future dificult times. ---- With best regards to everyone. Serbulov Dmitry.
On 13/01/2025 12:38, sdy@a-n-t.ru wrote:
As the years go by, nothing changes. We are discussing the category model, although it has already been rejected twice. It reminds me of the story of the elections in Romania and the European Commission. When will the discussion about paying for resources without categories begin?
RIPE NCC needs to maintain its non-profit status (that's a requirement as a RIR) and it is desirable to keep the current tax agreement. Charging directly for resources would put this status at risk. A category-based model is viewed as the safest option to differentiate fees.
For more information: https://www.ripe.net/membership/mail/member-and-community-consultations/char...
Best regards, Sebastien Brossier Disclaimer: I am a member of the charging scheme task force 2024
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