Dear RIPE NCC members, The Charging Scheme Task Force held its first meeting on 27 August 2024. The minutes for the meeting are now available at: https://www.ripe.net/cstf-2024/first-meeting-minutes The primary focus of the meeting was to outline the task force’s working methods, establish timelines, and set expectations for the outcomes. Ondřej Filip and Peter Hessler were appointed co-chairs. The task force has decided to hold monthly Zoom meetings and plans to hold a hybrid meeting at RIPE 89 in Prague. Its aim is to deliver a progress report at the Autumn General Meeting 2024 and complete its work by the Spring General Meeting 2025. While meetings will not be recorded, minutes will be taken under Chatham House rules and will be shared with the membership. The next Charging Scheme Task Force meeting is set to take place later this month and we will keep you updated as the task force continues its work. Best regards, Karla Liddle-White Communications Officer RIPE NCC