Dear colleagues, Our DNS Monitoring Service (DNSMON) has been providing an up-to-date service overview of certain DNS root and Top-Level Domain (TLD) name servers for over eight years now, using the Test Traffic Measurement Service (TTM) as the underlying measurement platform. Last week, we sent out an announcement explaining that TTM would be decommissioned and its functions replicated within RIPE Atlas. As DNSMON currently relies on TTM for its data collection, the decommissioning of TTM will impact DNSMON. As announced in the RIPE NCC Activity Plan and Budget 2013, DNSMON in its current state will be shut down and most of its functionality migrated over to RIPE Atlas and RIPEstat, providing an improved and more future-proof DNS Monitoring Service. RIPE Atlas, and specifically the RIPE Atlas anchors, will perform measurements providing the data previously collected by TTM systems. More information is available in the RIPE Labs article, “Future of RIPE NCC Technical Services”, written by Kaveh Ranjbar, Chief Information Officer at the RIPE NCC: Some of our current DNSMON users have volunteered to conduct preliminary testing of the new, updated service, in the first quarter of 2014. Partly based on the user feedback from this testing phase, we will develop the new service so that it best meets the needs of current users. We hope to have the migration completed, with the new service fully implemented and available, by the end of the first quarter of 2014. After that, we will start to expand the service and accept applications from new users. You can find the most up-to-date plans on the DNSMON roadmap: If you have any questions or feedback, please contact <> or reply to the MAT-WG Mailing List. Regards, Robert Kisteleki Romeo Zwart