Ciao Christian,

Thanks for getting back to me.
I just checked, and it seems your previous emails didn’t make it my inbox, but they only arrived at my address that I use as backup (which I never check) :(
First of all, sorry for not answering you to your previous email. It seems anti spam and blacklists did their best to create an unreliable channel between you and me.
Luckily, this last email made it to me, and then I finally got the invitation to present out work @Ripe 71.
So, let me thank you for offering us the chance to present our work on Carrier Grade NAT at the Bucarest meeting.

For logistic reasons, I cannot make it to Bucarest at this point, but Dario Rossi can easily take over my presentation, since we worked with him.
I hope this is not a big problem for you. 

Thanks again for the opportunity, and sorry one more time for never getting back to you before.


Marco Mellia - Associate Professor
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni
Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca Degli Abruzzi 24
10129 - Torino - IT
Tel: +39-011-090-4173
Cel: +39-331-6714789
Skype: mgmellia
Home page:

On 07 Nov 2015, at 12:07, Christian Kaufmann <> wrote:

Hello All,

This is the draft agenda for the Measurement, Analysis and Tools
Working Group session at RIPE71:

A. Introduction: Welcome, Scribe, Jabber, Agenda (5m)

B. Internet Path Transparency Research and the mPlane Platform - Brian Trammel - 15m

C. Impact of Carrier Grade NAT - Marco Mellia - 20m

D. Where are the any casters - Dario Rossi -  20m

E. RIPE ATLAS news and Hackathon results - Vesna - 20m


Timings are approximate:-)
The session will take place at 14:00 local time on Wednesday 18th November.

See you in Bucharest!

Nina and Christian
MAT WG Chairs