Just wanted to start a thread on this list where people could contribute thoughts about RIPEstat. To get things started, here are a few things that occurred to me during the call this morning: -- Time zooming is awesome. I haven't yet looked to see if this zooms the linked raw data as well; if it doesn't it should. -- YAML might not be everyone's preferred format for data. It might be nice for the "raw data" link to go to a page that displays the data (e.g., as a table) with links at the top: "Download as: YAML, CSV, JSON, XML, ..." -- The AJAX loading is good, but there's no "busy indicator" that tells me that the request is outstanding, vs. the blocks simply not loading. -- The idea of country indexes (http://stat.ripe.net/country/dk) seems like it could be handy and not too difficult to implement. It would probably be accurate enough to get the geolocation from the delegation files and call up information for those resources. -- +1 on the addition of a methodology link. Again, would be useful, especially for first-time or occasional users, and not too hard to implement (just some static text). Stylistically speaking, it's probably a small enough bit of text that it could be done as an AJAX popup/overlay. Thanks for keeping the community involved in this project, --Richard