Hi folks,

Quick reminder: we'll keep this call open up to and including Friday 28 April (AoE) -- that's a little over three weeks from now -- and we'll make decisions the following week.



On Mon, Mar 6, 2023 at 10:48 AM Stephen Strowes <sds@fastly.com> wrote:
Hi all,

RIPE86 is coming up fast: 22 -- 26 May! We are seeking your presentations for the next MAT WG session during that week.

Presentations for the WG session are preferably 10-15min long. Please include in your proposal:

* a title
* a draft of your proposed presentation, even if just an outline
* a paragraph describing the topic, and why the topic is of interest for the community.

Interesting topics include (but are not limited to): recent measurement research which has an operational impact; recent operational work that may open avenues to research; projects, tools, or datasets that support either operations or research.

Please submit your presentation proposal by Friday 28 April by emailing us at mat-wg-chairs at ripe.net. We will make our selections and post the agenda soon after.

RIPE meetings are fully hybrid, and we encourage presentations from anywhere. Sessions are facilitated through meetecho. For our planning, we'd appreciate it if you can indicate whether you are likely to be online or on-site. Please ask if you have any questions regarding the setup on either side.


Nina, Massimo, Stephen, as WG co-chairs