Hello everyone,


I know him since a few years now, and I can say for sure that he got the right enthusiasm and knowledge to become a great chair for MAT.


Alessandro Improta
Senior R&D Software Engineer | Catchpoint
P:  +393488077654
E:  aimprota@catchpoint.com
A: Via Oberdan 53, Pietrasanta LU 55045, Italy

From: mat-wg <mat-wg-bounces@ripe.net> on behalf of Victor Naumov <vicnaumov@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, April 1, 2022 5:28 PM
To: mat-wg@ripe.net <mat-wg@ripe.net>
Subject: Re: [mat-wg] MAT WG chair selection
Hi All,

I worked with Massimo and Stephen, both are excellent candidates.
However, in the past I had a chance to work with Massimo closely on
the RIPE Atlas, and I know his passion towards MAT topics, so if it
goes down to a single vote my preference goes to him.

On Mon, Mar 14 13:45 CET 2022, Massimo Candela <massimo@ntt.net> wrote:
> Dear working group,
> On 14/03/2022 10:14, Brian Trammell (RIPE) wrote:
> > If you are interested in co-chairing MAT WG, please make your intent known by sending a message to mat-wg@ripe.net by Monday 28 March 2022; once we have a candidate list, wi’ll issue a call for discussion on the list.
> I'm a big fan of the MAT wg, see picture attached :). I've been to
> almost all of the MAT sessions since RIPE66, and I've given
> presentations in many of them.
> This wg is a fantastic venue for exchanging ideas, tools, and research
> findings, and I appreciate the Chairs' dedication throughout the years.
> I would like to give back to the wg. So, I'm volunteering as a co-Chair.
> BIO: I'm an engineer focused on developing applications to facilitate
> day-to-day Internet operations. I'm involved in the Internet community
> as a frequent presenter, and in various community projects. In the last
> 10 years I developed and contributed to tools that are commonly used by
> network operators and researchers to monitor certain aspects of the
> Internet performance (e.g., BGPalerter, BGPlay, RIPE Atlas, RIPE IPmap,
> DNSMON, Tracemon, and more). I was a research collaborator in the
> Compunet team of Roma Tre University. After, I worked in the R&D team of
> the RIPE NCC. Currently, I'm contributing to the automation and
> monitoring of the NTT Global IP Network.
> I'm particularly interested in network measurements, monitoring, data
> analysis, and data visualization.
> Ciao,
> Massimo

Victor Naumov


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