2 Apr
2 Apr
10:39 a.m.
Dear Vesna, It is again Andrei Sukhov from Samara. We started a new research to evaluate the effectiveness of the global routing. The method consists in comparing the minimum time of packet delay between hosts with the physical distance between them. As initial data we need to have the data from RIPE ATLAS and corresponding BGP routing tables. I would like to ask for access to data from 4-5 RIPE ATLAS points, each of which measures the delay and the way to 30-40 other nodes. Could you arrange such access to Artem Onopriyenko, my master student. I am sending him a copy of this letter. Thanks in advance for your help, Sincerely yours, Andrei Sukhov Home page: http://oi.ssau.ru/sukhov_eng.php