
I'm validating a new technique for finding the route between autonomous
systems with the least number
of transitions. This method is came from the wireless sensor networks.

To compare the efficiency of this method, and BGP algorithms, we need a
full BGP routing table that reflects the configuration of all the
neighbors for all AS on the Internet. At first I took the BGP Full View
from O-IX site http://www.routeviews.org/
And that's specifically from here

Already in the first few tests, it was found out that these tables are
incomplete, since a number of traceroutes, we have given from the
servers is not suitable neighbors and a method results mismatched with the actual path, or the path is
longer than the traceroute outputs. Besides knowing the total number of
announced AS and counting the number of unique AS numbers for these log
files (http://archive.routeviews.org/oix-route-views/), we found that
these logs contains references to only about 60% of the number All
advertised by AS.

Recommend, please, where we can find a really complete picture of all
the neighboring AS?

Kind Regards,
Pavel Veselovskiy,
Samara State Aerospace University