Hi folks,

Bumping this thread in case you missed this one, too:

The topic of third-party RIPE Atlas service aggregators was also on the agenda at RIPE87. We'd like to see discussion continue either here on the WG mailing list, or on the forum, or privately back to the NCC if you prefer.

The materials for this discussion are here:

- Recording: https://ripe87.ripe.net/archives/video/1176/
- Slides: https://ripe87.ripe.net/presentations/13-kisteleki-MATWG-RIPE87.pdf, slides 14 & 15
- Labs post: https://labs.ripe.net/author/kistel/the-role-of-aggregators-in-ripe-atlas/



On Wed, Nov 22, 2023 at 11:43 AM Robert Kisteleki <robert@ripe.net> wrote:
Dear all,

We've just published a proposal about recognising the role of
"aggregators" in RIPE Atlas:

We would be very happy to see discussions about this here on the mailing
list, on the RIPE NCC Forum, or live at RIPE87.

Robert Kisteleki


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