Dear colleagues, finally - in time for Christmas - we have succeeded to complete the commitment form and billing procedures. All relevant files have been compiled in ftp://ftp.ripe.net/ripe/new-registry All documents are available in PostScript (.ps) and ASCII (.txt) versions. Some PostScript files are quite large due to the artwork included. All questions and correspondance associated with this should be directed to <billing@ripe.net>. They can also help you if you prefer the documents to be sent by e-mail or surface mail. But please do use this facility only if absolutely necessary. If you are responsible for a local registry we ask you kindly to do the following: 1. Agreement - Print two copies of the file agreement.ps or agreement.txt. - Fill in the agreements and sign them. Do not forget to indicate the billing category. - Send the copies of the agreement to the RIPE NCC by paper mail. Inform <billing@ripe.net> of the date you posted the agreements; this way we can detect surface mail problems early on. Upon receipt of the signed agreements <billing@ripe.net> will: - Note your commitment in the registry database - Adjust your service level accordingly - Have one copy of the agreement signed by TERENA and returned to you. 2. Registry Form - Send a completed registry form which can be found in file form.txt to <billing@ripe.net> - If you are already an established registry you can ask <billing@ripe.net> to send you an individual form which shows the data we already have for you. - It is important that you provide accurate billing information. Those of you located inside the EU will be billed 17.5% value added tax unless we have your correct VAT number. 3. Billing Those of you who have already confirmed their contribution and category for 1995 to us will receive a bill from TERENA in the beginning of January. The others will be billed as soon as their agreements have been received. Be sure to not the billing procedures document in file billing.{ps,txt}. If you would like to receive your bill still in 1994 contact <billing@ripe.net> as soon as possible to make arrangements for that. We will try to accommodate you as best as we can. 4. Service Level As decided by the NCC Contributors Committee, starting in January those registries which have signed the agreement will be serviced before all those who have not. In this context we advise you to include the regid string of your registry prominently in all correspondance with the NCC. This will facilitate to determine the proper service level. Again I apologise for the delay in producing these documents which took much longer than it should have due to NCC workload and the changes necessary due to the establishment of TERENA as the successor of RARE. A merry christmas and a successful 1995 to all of you Regards Daniel Karrenberg Manager RIPE NCC
participants (1)
RIPE NCC Billing Department