Dear All, Unfortunately this year we won't be able to send out personal Xmas cards to everyone, but of course this doesn't stop us from extending Xmas greetings and thanks to you all for your support and cooperation over the last year. So, from everyone at the RIPE NCC.... M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S & H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ! () || () Daniel /\ o ...... o o //\\ Anne o ///\\\ ....... Mirjam ////\\\\ ...... o o /////\\()\ Marten ////()\\||\\ ...... Geert Jan /////||\\||\\\ ......... ///()/||\\\\()\\ David ////||///\\\\||\\\ ..... /////||///\\\\||\\\\ ///////////\\\\\\\\\\\ o o o ////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\ o o || RIPE NCC ____________________________||________________________________________ PS The NCC will be closed on Monday December 26th, a public holiday in the Netherlands. We will run a reduced service level between December 27th and December 30th because of the holiday season and the fact that our building is officialy closed (no heating, no lunches). Electronic mail and FAX requests will be processed, telephone response will generally not be available.
participants (1)