At 09:25 5-9-2002, Chris Hallam wrote:

How are they defining the term, 'Game'?  Surely it won't be long before they have to outlaw Internet browsing due to the various applets the pop up here and there.  How did that law get passed, and what is it supposed to achieve?


To find the full text of the law, go here:

Article 1d describes it in the broadest terms possible: (quote) d. Electronic games are those, that depend on both electrical-electronic mechanisms and software. (end quote)

So when arriving in Greece, they could take away your cell-phone, cause it can play Tic Tac Toe, Snake or Space Invaders. :-) On the other hand... don't be too frightened. The law was passed to battle illegal gambling, certainly after a member of parliament was caught red-handed playing video poker. For more information you could read here, especially the third letter. :

