If you agree, tell me too.
Mainly. You don't mention one of the major arguments for PI space, i.e. customers with multiple service providers. Yakov has written about this in detail, but I think you should mention it.
IRs will give those requesting PA space the following warning:
Assignment of this address space is valid as long as the criteria for the original assignment are still met and only for the duration of the service agreement between yourself and ISP XXXX who will have the right to re-assign the address space to another user upon termination of the agree- ment or an agreed period thereafter. This means that you will have to re-configure the addresses of all equipment using this address space if you continue to require global uniqueness of those addresses. Note that some Internet services do not require globally unique addresses if accessed through a NAT or application layer gate- way/firewall.
I think you should lose the last sentence. It invites controversy.
IRs will give those requesting PI space the following warning:
Assignment of this address space is valid as long as the criteria for the original assignment are still met. However, assign- ment of address space does NOT imply that this address space will be ROUTABLE ON ANY PART OF THE INTERNET. It is expected that users will have to pay a premium for actual routing of PI addresses as opposed to PA addresses. It may eventually become impos- sible to get relatively small amounts of PI space routed on most of the Internet. We strongly suggest you contact any prospective service provider for information about the possibility and pricing of service when using PI addresses.
I don't think it is reasonable to give such a warning without including the counter-balancing warning about renumbering. This long-term risk is the price of avoiding the potentially high cost of occasionally re-configuring the addresses of all equipment using your address space if you had elected to use PA addresses. Regards, Brian Carpenter (CERN) (brian@dxcoms.cern.ch) voice +41 22 767 4967, fax +41 22 767 7155