35.4 NCC PGP Key exchange procedure Low prio 35.5 NCC Implement PGP for hm Low prio 36.5 Chair Assignment window applied on infrastructure Proposed change 36.6 AP Collect arbitrators Taken care of. 36.7 NCC Keep lir-wg updated on pre RIR address space changes Db-wg presentation 37.1 WG Further discuss restoring the transparency Ntr 38.2 NCC Implement changes to the form while taking into account the comments from the WG In progress 38.3 WG Reopen policy discussion - do we need a major revision of RIPE 185 RIPE 40 38.4 AC Consider how to coordinate Address prediction work Work launced 38.5 NCC Implement 34.6 LIR-ALLOCATED 38.6 NCC Propose PI policy to the WG Ongoing 39.1 NCC Better metrics & more relevant stats 39.2 NCC Suggest procedure and possible policy changes 39.3 NCC Call for AC nominations 39.4 Chairs Define & divide work 39.5 Chairs Beta test 6 weeks deadline for proposals