Dear Ray,
I am following up the problems I'm having with the global-v6 list with the list manager.  Whether the problem is with me or the list remains to be concluded.
I do however think that there might be a problem as I would have expected a few more people to comment on the global-v6 list regarding the new IPv6 policy.  On such an important subject, and the urgency from the Apnic community were asking for on v6 I would have expected at least a few more replies to global-v6 list.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ray Plzak
To: 'Stuart Prevost' ; ;
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 11:02 PM
Subject: RE: [GLOBAL-V6] New draft available: IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Global Policy

Dear Stuart,
You appear to be the only one with this problem.  I have been receiving mail from this list with no problem.  Are you using the correct email for posting?