The procedure for aligning databases has not yet been established. We are not quite sure whether to do this incremental or just a full update. My guess is that this will be discussed at the SWIP BOF at the IETF next week. If people have problems that result from the fact that the different databases are not aligned we would like to hear from them, so we can take action. The one thing I would like to be able is to send a list of NIC handles, or person names, or network numbers and trigger DDN-NIC (or INTERNIC) to align to the current RIPE records (including reverse mapping servers if
* Well, we hope that with the INTERNIC service contracts now in place
Not yet. They start 1st of April. I think a major problem was uncertainty of potentially involved parties during the time that it was known that NSF would issue an RFP and the time
Marten, thanks for the status report. present in the records). If the lists specified at our end are carefully definied this would limit the danger of overwriting large parts of the target data base unexpectedly (which easily can happen with complete alignment - in presence of any number of typos in all data bases). So I think we could improve much by just starting to have some way of incremental update. the contracts were awarded... Sure not everybody is yet up to speed... Cheers, Ruediger Ruediger Volk Universitaet Dortmund, Informatik IRB DE-NIC Postfach 500 500 D-W-4600 Dortmund 50 Germany E-Mail: rv@Informatik.Uni-Dortmund.DE Phone: +49 231 755 4760 Fax: +49 231 755 2386