You're trying to achieve a perfect policy that will work for all time when what we need is something to eke out IPv4 for the rest of its natural life. By the time enough of your postulated ISPs have grown big enough AND THEN shrunk enough for this to matter in any practical sense, IPv4 will have become mostly static, and all of us here will have retired from active Internet Politics. I hope. On Jan 26, 12:59pm, Daniel Karrenberg wrote: } Subject: Policy Statement on Address Space Allocations } } > Ronald Khoo <ronald@office.demon.net> writes: } } > Here's a suggestion for one simple rule. "Where delegating address space } > to a provider registry, a) never delegate a block smaller than any } > existing PA block already delegated, and b) once 3 such blocks are } > delegated, always delegate a block at least 4 times bigger". } } While sounding fine in general, this assumes ever increasing growth } of ISPs. An assumption easily proven invalid by counterexample. } } Daniel }-- End of excerpt from Daniel Karrenberg -- Ronald Khoo <ronald@demon.net> +44-181-371-1000 FAX +44-181-371-3750