1)New RIR is not pure European, it may include part of Asia.
Well, then we need to clear up if the Europe needs the second RIR, at all? I guess that part of Asian countries or close to it can ask service in APNIC, if really exist time difference problems as somebody stated earlier. The english language treats as international and everyone especially who serves the Internet community must understand it. So, language is not a problem.
2)For _our_ situation the only acceptable variant is that the certain country is served by the RIR if 2/3 (or 4/5, or 5/6 ... - we'll decide) of LIRs in this country wish so. By the way, Andrew Stesin
IMO, every LIR is free to decide about the RIR they want to be served, and it could happen, that LIRs at the same country will be served by different RIRs.
And it will happen, I am sure. We should not talk about countries! Every LIR is free to choose the service they want.
FYI: CIS countries are Russia, Ukraine, Belorussia, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaidjan, Kazakhstan, Kirgyzstan, Uzbekistan,Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan.
Would be interesting to know the opinion from Azerbaidjan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan... Seems they are very timidy.. With regards, Daiva ========================================================================= Daiva Tamulioniene Kaunas University of Technology TLD LT hostmaster LITNET NOC Studentu 48a-101, Kaunas, Lithuania tel. 370-7-762896/ 370-98-36652 fax. 370-7-799925 =========================================================================