It's the other way round: SPRINT should tell his customers he can't guarantee 100% global Internet connectivity because he disagrees with the current address allocation policy of the IANA/InterNIC/RIPE NCC/AP-NIC.
Would you assume that anyone whose address allocation follow "the current address allocation policy of the IANA/InterNIC/RIPE NCC/AP-NIC" is guaranteed 100% global Internet connectivity ?
It is pretty hard to guarantee 100% of anything, but my guess is that "IANA/InterNIC/RIPE NCC/AP-NIC" would be willing to follow any sort of guidelines for how they should allocate address space such that ISPs would endeavour to do their best to route the resulting address topology. Even if this means always allocating in /17 units. The problem is that no one has ever bothered to set meaningful engineering goals for maximizing the life of IPv4. As far as I know the only targets we have are the entirely qualitative, warm-and-fuzzy ones of "smaller" forwarding tables and "better" efficiency of address utilization. So everyone goes off and implements their own policies to make things "smaller" and "better", and we make proposals for making things even "smaller" and "better" still, without the faintest idea of how to quantify "smaller" and "better" in a consistent fashion. So what end result could we have other than what what we got, which is people doing conflicting things, but perfectly justifiable things based on their own notions of "smaller" or "better", and then pointing fingers of blame at each other when the end result is broken, or doesn't conform to their own personal notions of "smaller" and "better"? And I don't think the inability to guarantee 100% of anything justifies ignoring the problem, or not dealing with it as the operational engineering issue that it is. It is broken, and an inability to make 100% guarantees doesn't constrain one from making an attempt to engineer a fix, where "engineer" should mean you have some ability to quantitatively evaluate the outcome. We've got a basic conflict between "smaller" and "better", whose resolution will require (in the absense of really good renumbering technology) constraining our insistance on efficient address utilization by measuring the effect this has on routing tables. We need to get some quantitative goals assigned to this so we can measure what is "good" and "bad". I'd (again) suggest the following: (1) Let's try to make a realistic estimate of what the end state for the IPv4 address space should be. I.e. how many (or few) routes should we be aiming at being able to carry by the time the address space is entirely allocated. Let's come to some consensus about what this number should be (call it 200,000 routes for the sake of current argument), document it, and have everyone include it in RFI's for future routers so that the goal, whatever it is, is clearly defined for hardware vendors (who can then complain if the target is unreasonable, so one can adjust it down accordingly). (2) Let's then look at the amount of extant global routing information from each class-A-sized space, keeping each one to the average required to meet the end-state estimate (about 900 routes per class-A to hit the 200,000 mark). We then squeeze down on existing blocks to fit into this (by imposing filtering, or whatever, if necessary). We also suggest that when any new block a registry is allocating from hits the magic route limit they quit trying to fill in spaces and go on to another class-A sized block (getting more efficiency out of the current block is useless anyway if we're not going to be able to route it). We don't worry about the length of individual prefixes, just the total routes for the block, as this gives registries some flexibility in accomodating both small and large providers and sites. (3) Then we can spend IETF meetings looking at charts with numbers which have real targets to compare them to, and bashing those with measureably bad numbers, and applauding those with measureably good numbers, and figuring out what to do if the numbers we picked look unachievable, or if we need new technology to do better. And otherwise actually engineering the problem, rather than just talking about how to get it "better" and "smaller". And I mostly think that the IETF group into which this issue fits is not doing its job unless it can get us to a point where address allocation people and ISPs aren't issuing disclaimers about each other's behaviour, and instead have got some mutually agreed upon, and verifiable, goals and targets which everyone works towards. Dennis Ferguson