Experienced people is difficult to see at a new LIR, or do you want some 'hostmaster certificate'?
That was my tought too, but the trouble is that the assgnment window is set at registry level not LIR-hostmaster level. But assigning assinment winwows to individual hostmasters would soon get unmanagable. (From the employee side of it it would be neat: if you dont raise my salary I will leave the company, and all the other hostmasters left behind only have a /xxx assignmentwindow)
A new LIR doesn't have many request mostly and it will soon be clear they understand, so the AW will be raised fast.
True. The trouble here will be the length of the vait queue, because all the requests from an experienced hostmaster will of cource be flawless and thus only need one iteration to get aproval :-) -hph