Before too much work occurs here (and has to be financed), I would like to see a report on if there actually is continued interest in supporting a common database infrastructure in the first place. And if yes, what has to be done to satisfy the requirements of the organisations that have stopped using the Ripe database. Background: SWITCH has stopped updating the Ripe database with domains and various other NICs have obviously indicated that will not be doing this anymore either. I do not wish to speculate on the motives, however it -is- clear that this undesirable for the community as a whole. The question is: can this be fixed and what has to be done to accomadte whatever special features these registries need? -- ===== ______ __ __ == Simon Poole ==== / __/ / / /__ ___ / /_ === poole@eunet.ch === / _// /_/ / _ \/ -_) __/ ==== EUnet AG, Zweierstr. 35, CH-8004 Zuerich == /___/\____/_//_/\__/\__/ ===== Tel: +41 1 291 45 80 Fax: +41 1 291 46 42