Hank Nussbacher <HANK@VM.TAU.AC.IL> writes:
A /19 in Amsterdam makes sense as a maximum allocation. A /19 in Uganda doesn't. I think due to different geographics we need to realize that allocation policy has to be different depending on where you are.
Hank, you miss the point. It is *untenable* for the regional registry to get into discussions about the size of the *initial* allocation. Therefore a local IR in Uganda choosing to be served by the NCC will be allocated a /19, no questions asked. The expectation is that they will not need further allocations for a long time. But we have wasted a maximum of 8K addresses. Once they need another allocation we will know their usage rate, i.e. how long it took them to assign the first /19 and hence will have a much more objective means to determine the size of their next allocation. For clarification: One *big* difference between the ItnerNIC and us is that we ask a fee for registration services which discourages spurious requests from individuals and/or very small providers. Daniel