"Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet" <woeber@cc.univie.ac.at> writes:
1) I (still) do not think it is right that an NCCer chairs a this group. One of the missions of the group is to act as a pressure group towards the NCC. I have expressed this in
I'm not sure whether this is the one and only possible position. My understanding was that the NCC as the Regional Registry has some responsibilities towards the Global Registry, and thus I don't see where a "pressure group" approach would fit into the picture.
While this is true, I view the local registries very much as customers of the NCC as well. We provide a service for you. One of the tasks of the local-ir group is to provide feedback (critisism, requests) about that service to the NCC and maybe even complain to others if the NCC doesn't provide the required service. That is what I meant. Pressure group is really not the right word.
2) The NCC is currently understaffed and any reduction in the load on all staff is welcome.
This seems to be the most valid point.
Of course. That's why I made it last ;-). But the other one is valid as well.
So please be prepared that a new chairperson will have to be elected at the next meeting.
While I don't want to try to keep bothering you to reconsider your decision - let me say that I think we (all the Local-IRs) were *VERY* happy with the way this WG was chaired by you.
Thank you for your kind words. They really help sometimes.
I hope that we can find a way to keep this collaborative attitude instead of implementing "pressure groups" within RIPE.
I hope so too. Daniel