David - welcome, and good luck ! Mirjam - we are happy and welcome you also ! Good luck. -- Regards. Alain Golan, Sason Levi _\\|//_ NetVision - Commercial Israeli Internet Provider (' O-O ') ------------------------------------------------------ooO-(_)-Ooo--- LIR, USENET, InterCALL (PPP/SLIP), Mail Forward, InterDIRECT E-mail: sason@NetVision.net.il Personal address info@NetVision.net.il for information. support@NetVision.net.il for technical support. Gopher: gopher.NetVision.net.il www: http://www.NetVision.net.il/ Phone: +972-4-550330 Fax: +972-4-550122 This message was sent by Chameleon.
Today the RIPE NCC welcomes
David Kessens
as new junior administrative staff member.
David will join Anne Lord, Mirjam Kuehne, Geert Jan de Groot and myself in providing the NCC's core services from today. This will provide much needed relief. I ask all of you to welcome David and to help him get used to his new responsibilities quickly.
Mirjam Kuehne moves from her current junior administrative staff position to join the technical staff. So you will deal with her more frequently on hostmaster and other technical issues.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Daniel Karrenberg RIPE NCC Manager