Hi I am formaly asking that if not RIPE 43 then all future meetings will be webcast so that all memebers who want to attend can attend the meeting. Otherwise this is by no means an equal opportunity meeing to attend and is only open to those who can get their expenses justified for holiday destinations with the express intention of going to the meeting, which lets face it in the current climate is nigh impossible. Its not that i do not appreciate the venues or that the meetings are not the place to go, its just getting harder to get to them. I wish to see a broader section of the community contributing to the RIPE process which is unique and a fine foundation for the RIPE community to come together, its just that the coming together is much harder for most now. Otherwise the only views expressed and heard are those of the people who can attend physicaly which is not the majority so limiting the scope and participation of the community at large. Regards, Stephen Burley WorldCom EMEA Hostmaster SB855-RIPE