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Date: Tuesday, 19-Dec-95 08:38 PM
From: Hank Nussbacher \ Internet: (hank@taunivm.tau.ac.il) To: Max Gutberlet \ Internet: (mgutberlet@server.net4you. co.at) To: Local Internet Registries in Europe \ Internet: (local-ir@ripe. net)
Subject: Re: Question Regarding Behaviour Of German Top Level Registry
For you it is 10 minutes but for 80% of the people it is about 30 minutes and often more. "Hello, I'd like a domain name." "Ok, what is your primary and secondary DNS?" "My what!!??" explain, explain, explain, "But all I want is tada.co.cc! I don't have a Unix system or Windows NT. I am dialing into crISP and I don't want to be user@crISP.net"
and on and on and on.
I don't think, a TLD should handle direct user request. Does DE-NIC ? Anyway the have a application form ready to download for anybody who asks. And believe me, it is the standard answer, I've heard it ten times at least. The customer handling should be done by the ISP the customer is connected to. And I think this is the current modus operandi anyway.
And if you are not polite and helpful, you get a lawyers letter for "denial of service" and "monopolization".
Lastly, the entry in root does have a processing effect. If you are a
Thought of that too. [..some lines deleted..] popular
site in the world, and everyone wants to get to www.tada.co.cc then the root DNS will have to service those requests. Now add up a few thousand DNS entries just like yours and the Unix system needs a memory upgrade. After 3 years it needs a complete overhaul. Who pays for the new hardware?
So you propose a traffic oriented chargin system ? [..some lines deleted..] Just talked to my favorite Domain Admin here in Austria, he said that traffic has to be considered too, but taking erveything in mind, I'm still far far away from the price they demanded.
Incidentally, in Israel, where we started charging for domains back in October 1994 (before everyone else realized it was necessary) we set the fee at $50 - one-time and have stuck to it so far without a problem.
Does this cover your costs ? -------- REPLY, End of original message -------- -- ~\\|//~ -(o o)- +--------------------oOOOo--(_)--oOOOo---------------------+ | _ _ _ | | _ __ ___| |_| || | _ _ ___ _ _ | | | '_ \ / _ \ __| || |_| | | |/ _ \| | | | | | | | | | __/ |_|__ _| |_| | (_) | |_| | | | |_| |_|\___|\__| |_| \__, |\___/ \__,_| | | |___/ | | http://www.net4you.co.at/ | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Max Gutberlet Address: NET4YOU | | NetMaster Net4You Ringmauergasse 8| | Tel.: +43-4242-257367 A-9500 Villach | | Fax.: +43-4242-257368 Carinthia | | email: M.Gutberlet@net4you.co.a Austria | +----------------------------------------------------------+