On Jan 25, 14:46, Yakov Rekhter wrote:
Subject: Re: Policy Statement on Address Space Allocations ...
It's the other way round: SPRINT should tell his customers he can't guarantee 100% global Internet connectivity because he disagrees with the current address allocation policy of the IANA/InterNIC/RIPE NCC/AP-NIC.
Would you assume that anyone whose address allocation follow "the current address allocation policy of the IANA/InterNIC/RIPE NCC/AP-NIC" is guaranteed 100% global Internet connectivity ?
No one can assume anything in this fast moving world, but at least I assume the last A of 'IANA' means 'Authority' and not 'Anarchy'. If the aim is global connectivity there must be some common rules everybody should follow. If someone has problems with them he can try to convince the authority/community to change them, but in a civilized way, without trying to impose anything to the rest of the world. Miguel __________________ __ ______________________ /_/ Miguel A. Sanz __ __ Email: miguel.sanz@rediris.es RedIRIS/CSIC /_/ RedIRIS /_/ Tel: + 34 1 5855152 Serrano 142 __ Fax: + 34 1 5855146 E-28006 Madrid /_/ SPAIN NETWORK MANAGER ____________ Spanish Academic & Research Network ___________________________