On Mon, May 26, 2003 at 11:29:19AM -0700, Michel Py wrote:
And the downstream is what most ISPs traffic engineer - not the upstream.
Mmmm. Hot potato routing is all about traffic engineering the upstream and there still is a lot of this.
And keeping your multiple links at an happy 80% is all about being able to announce fragments of your space with diferent prepends. I still think a big chunck of the internet does care about which route is best for them from the PoV of some particular networks. Here I go again straying from the path, sorry Gert :) cheers -- Carlos Morgado <chbm@cprm.net> - Internet Engineering - Phone +351 214146594 GPG key: 0x75E451E2 FP: B98B 222B F276 18C0 266B 599D 93A1 A3FB 75E4 51E2 The views expressed above do not bind my employer.