
March 1999

  • 14 participants
  • 11 discussions
Re: Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database
by Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet 17 Mar '99

17 Mar '99
Re: Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database
by Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet 16 Mar '99

16 Mar '99

16 Mar '99
Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database
by Joao Luis Silva Damas 15 Mar '99

15 Mar '99
ANN: Autohm source release
by Maldwyn Morris 15 Mar '99

15 Mar '99

15 Mar '99
Modifications to the inet6num in the RIPE Database
by Joao Luis Silva Damas 04 Mar '99

04 Mar '99

03 Mar '99
Adding nic handles to contact objects without one
by Joao Luis Silva Damas 02 Mar '99

02 Mar '99