[ipv6-wg@ripe.net] Call for agenda items & draft agenda (v1) for ipv6 wg RIPE48
Below follows the draft agenda (v1) for the ipv6 wg for RIPE48. As you can see, we have a long agenda slot this time since we got many comments from people that we needed more time. Please contact me if you would like to propose any agenda items. I would like to draw your attention to one proposed agenda item: What are the deployment plans behind the larger ipv6 allocations? More recently, we have seen several ipv6 allocations that are larger than the minimum size. I would very much welcome presentations from the receivers of such space on what their plans are on what they will do with this address space. Thanks, David Kessens --- Draft Agenda (v1) for the IPv6 Working Group Meeting RIPE48 When: 14:00 - 18:00, Wednesday May 5, 2004 Where: Grand Ballroom, Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam A. Administrative stuff - appointment of scribe - agenda bashing (David Kessens) B. Global IPv6 routing table status (Gert Doering) C. Report(s) about *actual* v6 traffic volume as compared to v4? *what's real* out there, not what's on powerpoint? (input from the audience) D. What are the deployment plans behind the larger ipv6 allocations ? (looking for speakers) E. Developments/initiatives regarding IPv6 in the RIPE region and beyond (input from the audience) F. Input for the RIPE NCC Activity Plan (input from the audience) Z. AOB ---
participants (1)
David Kessens