Dear colleagues,


RIPE 76 is coming closer and as you may have seen on the agenda, the date of the IPv6 WG has changed from Wednesday to Thursday.

The reason for the date change you can read below and in the subject.


If you want to present or have a topic that would be of great interest to the IPv6wg, send your presentation or explain the contents to and mention also how much time you would need.

The  session which will be on Thursday 17 may 2018, in Palais du Pharo, Marseille, France.


Now back to the subject:


During RIPE 74, Marco Hogewoning of the RIPE NCC, presented about ongoing work in ITU Study Group 20, which includes development of a Recommendation on an IPv6 address plan for IoT networks. In his presentation he also mentioned a Liaison Statement send by the ITU asking the RIPE NCC for feedback, to which they suggested that this work would be done in a more appropriate venue such as the RIPE community or at least that such a document would be developed in close coordination with the operational community.


We, the chairs, have been following this discussion and after talking to RIPE NCC and some community members, we have understood that there has not been any operational feedback on this particular draft and ITU is still seeking input, for instance also by sending a Liaison Statement to IETF.


In response to all this, we have decided to invite a representative of ITU, to join us in Marseille for RIPE 76 and present this work to us, for the purpose of collecting and incorporating feedback from IPv6 experts and network operators on their draft recommendation.


We are happy to announce that ITU Study Group 20 has responded positively to our offer and have decided to share the current working draft with us, for the purpose of review and for RIPE community to provide feedback.


As it is quite big, the text of this draft Recommendation Y.IPv6RefModel “Reference model of IPv6 subnet addressing plan for Internet of things deployment”  has been made available on the IPv6 WG pages:


We kindly invite you to provide feedback and comments on the contents of this document via this mailing list or of course the RIPE Forum web interface. The RIPE NCC has agreed to ensure that the comments will be collected and made available to the ITU via response to the Liaison Statement below.


We of course also hope to discuss the feedback with the editor of the document during our second session at RIPE 76.




Benedikt, Jen, Raymond


Liaison Statement we received from ITU Study Group 20 in response to our invite:


> ITU-T Study Group 20 Q3/20 thanks the RIPE NCC for their contribution that contained the invitation from the RIPE IPv6 Working Group. We thank the RIPE IPv6 Working Group for the invitation to present Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IPv6RefModel at the May 2018 RIPE meeting for the purpose of obtaining operational feedback and input. We are delighted to recognize the invitation from RIPE and confirm it is the intention of the editor of the Draft Recommendation ITU-T Y.IPv6RefModel to participate in the RIPE meeting in May 2018.


> Attached is a copy of the draft Recommendation. We look forward to the feedback and comments from the RIPE community.



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