yes I agree but during IETF 74 Swallow, Kompella and others said the next generation backbone networks will based on mpls for transport so I think the support of ldp over ipv6 should be added before the RIRs stop to allocate ipv4 addresses.


Mark Tinka ha scritto:
On Monday 07 September 2009 11:36:13 pm Isacco Fontana 

Do you think we can start discussion with big vendors
(Cisco/Juniper) ?

Gert is right, the more we "collectively" speak to our 
vendors, the quicker they will likely implement the 
technology (it's not new, it's already been documented).

For instance, I've been pushing Cisco and Juniper for an 
MPLS control plane for v6 for nearly 2 years now, but this 
isn't enough. Vendors tend to listen if:

a) there is a collective.


b) as Gert and myself have already mentioned, you're waving
   wads of cash their way.




Ing. Isacco Fontana

Trentino Network s.r.l.
A socio Unico

Direzione Servizi
Responsabile Area Ingegneria di Rete

Via Gilli, 2 - 38100 TRENTO
Tel       (+39) 0461.020200
Fax      (+39) 0461.020201


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Societą soggetta a direzione e controllo da parte della Provincia Autonoma di Trento. C.F. e P. IVA 00337460224
