Marco, Nick - what do you think? I definitely see a lot of interest and support in the community for moving IPv6-only network out of the experimental state. Probably moving dual-stack network to legacy this meeting might be bit extreme (we do care about people who do not care about Ipv6 yet, don't we? ;)) and we do not provide bad network experience), but what about stop calling it "experimental" and include it in the list of the standard SSIDs?
Proposal: rename the v6-only network to "ripemtg-new" and keep the current "ripemtg" for RIPE71. For RIPE72 (2016!) rename the dual-stack network to "ripemtg-legacy" and the v6-only to "ripemtg". There will be the legacy network for people/devices/etc that have trouble on IPv6-only. We definitely should make sure we offer workable networking for everybody. But I think it's about time people started realising it explicitly when they need a legacy protocol to keep working. Cheers, Sander