Hi Benedict, WG, Thus wrote Benedikt Stockebrand (bs@stepladder-it.com): [...]
If we have this IRC channel, and if it turns out that decicion-related discussions start to move there, then *somebody* *must* be there to send them in the proper direction, i.e. to the mailing list. And again, that can't possibly be the job of a WG chair.
In other words, we need somebody to step forward and take on that duty.
From my experience with other organisations that work through mailing
Unrealistic. Even if you had someone whose job it was to monitor the channel, they can hardly be expected to be even awake 24x7. lists and also have chat venues, treating the chat(s) as equivalent to "we were chatting over dinner", i.e. as slightly more refined discussion starts on the binding communication channel, is the only thing that works. [...]
If we establish that IRC channel, then we must find a way---and the resources---to ensure this.
Eh, preventing people from talking to each other is hard, especially if they all have Internet. :) (Never mind the occasional barbeque) regards, spz -- spz@serpens.de (S.P.Zeidler)