I was thinking of building IPv6 support in my YAPS program. Look at http://sf.net/projects/yaps-pcap/
and let me (and the list) know if this interrests you. We (AS12859) are using YAPS to account for approximately 400 Mbps of IPv4 traffic on a P4 with commodity hardware.
I took a look at your project at the above URL. Looks good. But the catch here is that it is a packet sniffer. An accounting tool essentially uses packet sniffers generally libpcap but does something more than that (using SNMP MIBS, or something like that). The advantage of this is it can be used for large enterprises/networks and the most important point is if the network is migrated to gigabit Ethernet or something packet sniffers would'nt work as they don't follow a standard. I've just thrown in my views. Please let me know if I'm not correct.
They key to IPv6 implementation is a decent hash function for Ipv6 addresses. If anybody has some knowledge or data on this, let me know. Otherwise I have something statistical I think may work fine ..
It should take me less than 5 working days of coding to implement IPv6 in this program. -- ---------- - - - - -+- - - - - ---------- Pim van Pelt Email: pim@ipng.nl http://www.ipng.nl/ IPv6 Deployment -----------------------------------------------
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