On Fri, 2004-08-20 at 13:41, Ray Plzak wrote:
Before you comments about the ARIN policy process I suggest you read: http://www.arin.net/policy/ipep.html
As I mentioned in the mail, I made an assumption based on the fact that the original post was already a forward from a closed list. Everywhere things happen behind closed doors and then come forward. If everything was discussed in public the latency of things would be even bigger. The policy outlined above is fine by me ;) <SNIP>
Lastly, I invite you to participate in the discussion on the ARIN ppml. Your participation and that of anyone, anywhere in the world is most welcome. One does not need to be a member of ARIN to participate. Of course the ARIN meeting is an open meeting. It is open to anyone in the world who wishes to participate in the policy process.
Which is why I forwarded the message to the ipv6-wg@ripe list so that people not following the ppml@arin list know that in the ARIN region action was being taken to get forward with the proposals. Greets, Jeroen