Hi Shane, | As I mentioned in the past, I am very eager to hear suggestions on how | to deal with the privacy issue in IPv6! Any real-world experience | from IPv6 operators or developers would be appreciated. We do have | several months of logs now, so we can do some data mining to check | theories. There's one idea worth mentioning, allthough I'm quite certain it will not suffice in itself. If you'd like to limit the amount of queries an individual/company can do, you may want to use the database itself for some sort of constraint. Let us say that a user from 2001:7b8:3:32:202:b3ff:fe2a:1e2d wants to look something up. You can check its most specific inet6num which would be NL-BIT1-PN1-POP3 and account queries per timeinterval per inet6num and limit that. If there is no object in the database, you would then fallback to the /35 or /32 and limit the queries per ISP. If any ISP engineer feels like this is punishment for them, you can advise them to make assignments visible in the database (ie, create inet6nums for their customer assignments like they should). You can then limit the amount of queries originating from within inet6num ranges. It may not be easily implemented though, but that's not up to me to decide :-) -- ---------- - - - - -+- - - - - ---------- Pim van Pelt Email: pim@ipng.nl http://www.ipng.nl/ IPv6 Deployment -----------------------------------------------