What is not FUD is that 240/4 is not currently routable through my home router So, "it costs nothing" .. well, it cost at least a configuration update, more likely a firmware update, and most certainly some hardware upgrade to support it. A pretty expensite "costs nothing", do not you think ? Regards, On 10/05/2019 07:06 PM, Michel Py wrote:
Nick Hilliard wrote : The cost of making 240/4 usable is to update every device on the planet, including legacy ipv4 stacks.
Michel Py wrote : No it is not. It costs nothing to the Internet, it only costs to those who chose to use it as private address space. More FUD.
Gert Doering wrote : It's not "private address space" unless designated as such.
Wrong again. It's not public unless given to RIRs to allocate it. FUD++