I was not directly involved here, so when I looked into this a little, then I found the document draft-ietf-ipngwg-esd-analysis-05.txt was the ultimate version of a draft responding to the GSE approach. The observation that neither the GSE document, nor this response, ever made it past drafts could be an indicator that there may be more to this story than can be found in the IETF drafts from the period 1997 - 2000. I certainly found it interesting to review these two documents side by side, and others who may also be wondering what happened to GSE may find it useful to read the ESD analysis
and that was the lie. in fact, the gse proposal was not reviewed for security and found wanting. many of the authors of the second document have since recanted. you also may want to read http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb/papers/esd-secure.txt randy