
RIPE NCC itself need you to provide them with a certified passport copy if you refuse to send a scan of it by email, other forms of IDs (like drivers license) is not enough for them when they run DD procedure on your LIR.

It seems that these ancient rules may exist everywhere...



On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 4:19 PM, Benedikt Stockebrand <bs@stepladder-it.com> wrote:
Hi folks,

first off: I am not a lawyer; this is just what I as a layman found out
about this.

Daniel Roesen <dr@cluenet.de> writes:

> On Tue, Jul 04, 2017 at 07:55:01AM +1000, Jen Linkova wrote:
>> 2) all speakers (including remote presenters) need to provide a colour
>> copy of their passport and a short bio (min 2000 chars).
> This would be illegal for Germans to do. Except for some very specific
> exceptions and under several severe restrictions involving redacting out
> any data on the ID not strictly required for identification, Germans are
> not allowed to make photocopies of their passports or personal IDs, or
> let others make those.

Are you sure this applies to passports?  I know it's the rule about
national ID cards (Personalausweis), but the main reason for that is
that it contains things like your current home address and whatnot that
you don't actually find in a passport.

And no matter what I think about the competence levels of your
bureaucracy in general, I'd be kind of surprised if they didn't realize
that around the world passports *do* get copied.

The important issue however with German passports is Par. 18(3) of the
PassG.  According to this the RIPE NCC might not be allowed to pass the
passport copy on to the DTCM, but I'm not sure if this applies because
it is passed on to a (foreign) public service.

> Was this requirement known to the organizers before deciding on venue
> country?

If I understand correctly it is one of these ancient rules that haven't
been actually applied for an eternity until recently---way after the
decision to go to Dubay---someone decided to actually apply it.

Until then to my knowledge (ask Hans Petter or whoever) it wasn't even
known to the NCC that this sort of requirement existed.

And from the discussions on the working group chair list alone I guess
the hassle this causes to the NCC, the WG chairs and whoever els is
substantial enough to cause quite some headaches.



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