Hello All,




RIPE 84 will take place from 16-20 May 2022 in a hybrid format in which online and onsite participants can interact with each other using a common platform.

The onsite event will take place in Berlin. For both cases you can register here: https://ripe84.ripe.net/attend/register/



The IPv6 Working Group session is scheduled for , Thursday 19 May from 11:00 . 12:30 (UTC+1)



We are looking for presentations - please email :    ipv6-wg-chair (at)  ripe.net if you'd like to present.

Please also state if you intend to be online or onsite, and the duration of your presentation, and a short description of it.



Once we have decided on the agenda, we'll contact the presenters.



Hope to see many of you,


On behalf of the IPv6-WG


Benedikt, Jen, Ray