Containerlab might be a great starting point for the containerized lab environment; if you want to pre-configure devices from various vendors, you might want to take a look at — its use of Graphite GUI would help you run SSH sessions in a browser, and it includes automated validation.

I’m doing something similar on the BGP front; you might want to check (source @

If you need some tweaks in netlab to make your ideas work, just let me know (I will stay away from creating the content though, too busy doing other things).

All the best,

On 4 Mar 2024, at 22:03, Jens Link <> wrote:


last Monday there was an event by titled
"IPv6 in Germany - How do we help those who are hesitant?"

It was a nice day but unfortunately very few of the hesitant people where
there. As I'm also currently working in a rather big IPv6 project IPv6
know how and training is currently a big topic in my daily work. As I
was just randomly watching youtube, I had a very strange idea:

What if we put together an "advent of IPv6" just like or

We would need to create 25 tasks for people to solve. From basics to
more advanced topics. What we also need is a containerized lab
environment, including some virtual networking stuff. And maybe some
sponsors for e.g. T-Shirts for people completing all / most of the
task. And maybe some nice certificate. People seem to like them.

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