On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 9:34 PM, Elvis Velea <elvis@velea.eu> wrote:
I tried to test the experiment network on Friday as well. And kinda failed.
Why I kinda failed to use the IPv6 only network was because there was something weird going on. I would connect to it, I would get an IPv6 address, the IPv6 address would then change (in a few seconds) to an other IPv6 address (as shown in the System Preferences -> Network on my Mac) and then the mac would say that I do not have a working connection.
Second weird thing was that from time to time, over the same IPv6 only network I would get an IPv4 IP address from the conference network.
Very interesting..I did not see anything like that (I was using v6-only SSID all the time, no unpleasant surprises. A very few things did not work for me but it was expected and had nothing to do with RIPE network.
The OPSie that was next to me when I was trying to troubleshoot this problem tried to contact MarcoH, but unfortunately MarcoH went offline a few minutes after the OPSie msg'ed him and we did not have the chance to really understand what was not working.
OK, looks like we might need to think about support/escalation model for the next meeting ;) -- SY, Jen Linkova aka Furry